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CI/CD example of a 4 container weather application using Google Container Register and Google Kubernetes Clusters


Started around 1PM MST off and on through the day and spent roughly 5 hours on the this.

  • 30 minutes to fork each repo and setup up build triggers from bitbucket to GC Container Registry
  • 1 hour looking into each containers configuration
  • 30mins due to npm (network?) issue when building weather-ui, resolved
  • 30mins due to issues with ym local Ubuntu 17.10 laptop, golang, and dep. unresolved
  • 1 hour going into the container like `kubectl exec -it weather-ui-2033027954-rn8fg -- /bin/sh` to see if there was network issue among containers, but everything in the cluster could hit the correct endpoints in the code.
  • 1 hour looking at different code in repo to understand why weather-geo and weather-api we're not returning any data from Dark Sky / Google Maps
  • 1 hour working on issues with Ubuntu 17.10 and not being able to use 'dep' to pull down go dependencies. The 'dep' install instructions are all for homebrew. When I ran the linux-x86_64 binary it wasn't letting me compile with my $GOPATH set correctly.

Assessment tasks

  1. Fork the weather-{ui,proxy,geo,api} repos to a bitbucket account.
  2. All repos weres cloned locally and ran a `docker build .` against each to get an idea of what they do.
  3. In Google Cloud Container Registery setup a build trigger for each bitbucket repo to build containers on commits to master.
  4. Trigger builds for weather-{ui,proxy,geo,api} to create the containers in a CI/CD manor into Container Registery.
  5. Create a Kubernetes cluster
  6. Used kubectl -f deployment.yaml / services.yaml in each repo to deploy containers and services

Commands run

  • Need formatting
Investigate weather-ui container:
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ nvm use stable
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ npm i -g npm
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ npm install
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ npm start
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ npm run build
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ docker build . -t weather-ui:0.0.1
Successfully built 74e456707719
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-proxy$  docker run -p 5000:5000 74e456707719
serve: Running on port 5000
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-ui$ curl localhost:5000
-- Now triggered by commit to master in bitbucket, build trigger builds contanier in Google Container Repositor

Investigate weather-proxy container:
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-proxy$ npm install
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-proxy$ npm start
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-proxy$ docker build . -t weather-proxy:0.0.1
Successfully built d040720a9abb
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-proxy$ docker run -p 3003:3003 d040720a9abb
npm info it worked if it ends with ok
npm info using [email protected]
npm info using [email protected]
npm info lifecycle [email protected]~prestart: [email protected]
npm info lifecycle [email protected]~start: [email protected]
> [email protected] start /app
> node index.js
180115/223519.695, [log,info] data: Server running at:
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-proxy$ curl localhost:3003/latlong/test
{"statusCode":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"An internal server error occurred"}
-- Now triggered by commit to master in bitbucket, build trigger builds contanier in Google Container Repositor

Issues with Ubuntu 17.10, golang, and dep:
drew@drew-8570w:~$ bash < <(curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer)
drew@drew-8570w:~$ gvm install go1.4 --binary # ubuntu work around
drew@drew-8570w:~$ gvm use go1.4 
drew@drew-8570w:~$ gvm install go1.9.2
drew@drew-8570w:~$ gvm use go1.9.2
drew@drew-8570w:~/test$ curl -L -o dep https://github.com/golang/dep/releases/download/v0.3.2/dep-linux-amd64
drew@drew-8570w:~/test$ chmod 755 dep

Investigate weather-api container:
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-api$ docker run -p 3002:3002 88eaf64178f7
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-api$ curl localhost:3002/weatherByLatLongAndDate/
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
-- Now triggered by commit to master in bitbucket, build trigger builds contanier in Google Container Repositor

Investigate weather-geo container:
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-geo$ docker run -p 3001:3001 b881f51cead4
2018/01/15 22:31:23 Server listening on port 3001
2018/01/15 22:31:23  Routes:
2018/01/15 22:31:23  GET /latlongByAddress
drew@drew-8570w:~/test/weather-geo$ curl localhost:3001/latlongByAddress/
{"Err":"maps: address, components and LatLng are all missing","Code":400}
-- Now triggered by commit to master in bitbucket, build trigger builds contanier in Google Container Repositor

Setup Kubernetes Cluser:
$ gcloud config set project arcus-weather-test
$ gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
$ gcloud container clusters create weather

##setup my kubectl env
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials weather --zone us-central1-a --project arcus-weather-test

## decided not to go this route
# kubectl run weather-api --image gcr.io/arcus-weather-test/bitbucket-drewderivative-weather-api:4eea724482475ba216cd564a03b7de784a92eec8 --port 3002
# kubectl run weather-geo --image gcr.io/arcus-weather-test/bitbucket-drewderivative-weather-geo:e421ab4011b95d3fc6d193539c5023342a5d7c0a --port 3001
# kubectl run weather-proxy --image gcr.io/arcus-weather-test/bitbucket-drewderivative-weather-proxy:f22e4f9e39d8089672d38c5e0ec702fedd0ad382 --port 3003
# kubectl run weather-ui --image gcr.io/arcus-weather-test/bitbucket-drewderivative-weather-ui:b3e0c5e503dbab41a0e46c4b3d5694b825b665a9 --port 5000
# kubectl expose deployment weather-ui --type "LoadBalancer" --port 80 --target-port 5000

# Modified each deployment.yaml to point to the container in Google Container Repository
$ for i in weather-api weather-geo weather-proxy weather-ui; do kubectl create -f $i/deployment.yaml; kubectl create -f $i/service.yaml; done

drew@drew-8570w:~$ kubectl get services
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes      ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP        1h
weather-api     ClusterIP    <none>          80/TCP         1h
weather-geo     ClusterIP   <none>          80/TCP         1h
weather-proxy   LoadBalancer   80:30763/TCP   1h
weather-ui      LoadBalancer    80:30503/TCP   1h

## notes
# kubectl get services
# kubectl delete service weather-{api,geo,proxy,ui}
# kubectl delete deployment weather-{api,geo,proxy,ui}
# kubectl exec -it weather-ui-2033027954-rn8fg -- /bin/sh