
From DrewWiki
Revision as of 23:25, 11 September 2011 by Drew (talk | contribs)
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# yum install man screen wget strace rsync fail2ban mailx mutt fdupes sendmail-cf logwatch etckeeper \
OpenIPMI ipmitool sysstat clamav clamav-update nfs-utils iscsi-initiator-utils samba openvpn \
mod_auth_pam mod_auth_shadow php-pecl-apc phpMyAdmin \
lm_sensors hddtemp smartmontools apcupsd apcupsd-cgi 
# java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 nss-mdns
  1. Install etckeeper
  2. Disable root login via ssh
    1. Add TCP22/0 to IPTables
  3. Enable sudo
  4. Install fail2ban
  5. yum remove unneeded software
  6. yum update
  7. Enable SElinux
  8. Extend days of sysstat logging

  1. Configure GRUB serial console redirection
  2. Configure kdump for system panics
  3. Configure lm-sensors, hddtemp, and SMARTmon for temperature alerts.
  4. Configure apcupsd for UPS alerts
  5. Configure Time Server for local network access
    1. Add UDP123/24 to IPTables
  6. Configure rsyslog for network clients
    1. Add UDP514/24 to IPTables
  7. Setup mail relay
    1. Remove /etc/mail/
    2. # echo drew > /root/.forward; echo "andrew: drew" >> /etc/aliases; newaliases; echo "root: drew" >> /etc/aliases; newaliases
    3. Add TCP25/0 to IPTables
  8. Configure smartd/hddtemp for disk monitoring
  9. ^ Configure thermal alerts for server
  10. Configure logwatch
  11. Setup clamav virus protection for Samba and weekly scan
  12. Configure OpenVPN

  1. Mount raid array
  2. Configure md alerts
  3. Enable NFS
    1. Add TCP2049/24 to IPTables
    2. Disable NFSv2/3 /etc/sysconfig/nfs
  4. Enable samba
    1. Add TCP139,445/24 to IPTables
    2. # chkconfig smb on; chkconfig nmb on;
  5. Enable iSCSI
    1. Add TCP3260/24
  6. ^ Configure bacula and web interface

  1. Setup cron jobs
    1. Keep anacron from waking me up at night!
      # vi /etc/anacrontab // START_HOURS_RANGE

  1. Configure MythTV / MythWeb
    1. Add TCP443/0 to IPTables
  2. Configure mod_auth_pam / mod_auth_shadow / pecl-php-apc / phpMyAdmin
  3. Configure DrewWiki / WebDAV

  1. Verify all log files in /var/log are not giving any errors or notifications
  2. Check logs for whats growing!
    # ls -alR /var/log | grep ^- | awk {'print $5" "$8'} | sort -k 2| sort -n
  3. Create MondoRescue restore image