macOS Mojave 10.14.4 (at the time of this writing)
First manually:
- brew
- synergy
- google chrome
- google drive
- firefox
- audacity
Then Via Brew:
brew install ansible git gnu-sed gnupg hub imagemagick nmap nvm openconnect openssl openvpn p7zip pstree psutils rbenv telnet watch unrar wget xz
Then Via Brew Cask:
brew cask install android-file-transfer atom gimp java kdiff3 keepassx mongodb osxfuse qbittorrent slack vlc tunnelblick vnc-viewer wireshark
After osxfuse is installed
brew install sshfs
Install packages via apm (atom package manager):
Pull from
Then Larger Via Brew Cask:
brew cask install libreoffice
Pipe to clipboard from terminal
cat list_of_stuff | pbcopy
Other OS X Software
- XQuartz
- Inkscape
- SoundFlower -
- 32 Lives (32-bit to 64-bit Audio Units and VST plug-ins adapter)
- 3T MongoChef
- Android Studio
- Arduino
- Blender
- Cura
- IntelliJ IDEA CE
- OminGraffle
- Slic3r
- VirtualBox
- Xcode
- ChefDK
- SketchUp
- Gitter
other brew
rvm ** using rbenv now
- Time Machine Backup
- Proper Windows -> Mac modifier keys
- Make Windows key not invoke unity when in synergy or Virtualbox